Residential Pest Control
We offer a complete comprehensive inspection of your home. We will tailor a program that is made specifically for your home to help keep pests out.
- We’ll inspect your entire home inside and outside for current or potential pest issues.
- We will treat the perimeter of your structure with the appropriate materials, remove all accessible spider webs and bee’s nests. We will seal and secure smaller gaps and cracks to help prevent pest from entering your home
- On the interior we will inspect, treat and install monitors in critical areas such as kitchens, utility rooms and garages.
- We will report the services rendered and make recommendation to help keep your home pest free.
- We’ll stay in touch between your visits and offer emergency service.
Yellow jackets are mainly ground-nesters. Their colonies can be found under porches or steps, in sidewalk cracks, or at the base of trees. Some yellow jackets build aerial nests in bushes or low-hanging branches. Yellow jackets typically do not cause structural damage to homes. They might, however, build nests in attics or walls and will defend them. On occasion, the pests chew through drywall to enter living spaces.
If disturbed when they are out foraging or protect their hives, yellow jackets will defend themselves. Their stings can be painful. It is best to avoid a yellow jacket nests.
A colony may contain 1,000 or more workers by fall. All of the workers are sterile females. In late summer males will begin to appear. When they become adults, they will mate with the females that will become the next year’s queens.
The fertilized females will hibernate through the winter. The workers and the males will perish when the weather turns cold
The nest pictured is a yellow jacket nest that was behind drywall in a garage. The customer noticed a wet spot on his wall and thought he had a leaky pipe. He decided to cut the drywall and yellow jackets starting emerging and were swarming him protecting their nest. Below is some information about yellow jackets. Although beneficial to our environment they can be aggressive if provoked. If disturbed when they are out foraging or if they are protecting their hives, yellow jackets will defend themselves. The stings can be painful. It is best to avoid a yellow jacket nest.